Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Guitar Hero 2 song packs released.

Major Nelson just announced that the first three song packs have been released on the Xbox Live Marketplace.

Wow. Does anyone else realize that this is $6.25 a pack? That's $18.75 for NINE SONGS! What ridiculous pricing. First Microsoft won't allow Epic to release the Gears maps for free and now this?

Microsoft is showing themselves to be really money hungry. I hope they don't go the way of Sony.

I'm really disappointed, though. I bought the game for the 360 because I was expecting 400 points for ten songs. Maybe even 800 points. But 1500 points for nine songs is ridiculous.

And when I saw "Hey You" and "Infected" were on the list (when I didn't expect either of them to be) I jumped for joy. Too bad.

Think about it. 90 bucks for a guitar and game. 60 bucks if you want an additional guitar. Plus 6.25 for every THREE SONGS that are released. And I thought Rock Band was going to be pricy.


Anonymous said...

totally agree but microsoft is pretty poor though....they got to make money somehow.....

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