Sunday, April 15, 2007

Capcom to bring more games to XBLA/PSN

Capcom recently announced that they will be focusing more on digital distribution. Hit the link for the full story.

Is anyone else excited as I am? I am a HUGE Puzzle Fighter fan, and Street Fighter is arguably my favorite game series of all time. Plus with redone graphics? I'll give both of these a buy, since my 1600 point card I got free from Circuit City when I bought Guitar Hero 2 definately isn't going towards those overpriced song packs.

Speaking of that, apparently I'm not the only one upset about this. I'm gonna get off of that topic, though.

I'm also excited for Rocketman. Capcom is one of my favorite game publishers, so I always watch what they release. I'll probably write a review after it releases.

One last thing before I go. Has anyone had a problem with their 360's breaking because of the Guitar Hero patch? Mine works fine. I can't say I'm happy with my whammy bar though. It still isn't perfect.

But whatever. I'll just keep playing Gears of War for now. Although I keep getting stuck on walls because of the new patch...